Yesterday I celebrated the first birthday of my Fortune-Workshops blog with Kate, who got me started and inspired me with her own blog. We had lunch on my veranda, enjoying her scrumptious cheese and onion pie, followed by mesclun salad and my black currant parfait for dessert. Sorry, no photos! We were too busy ruminating about art, work, food and plans for the future. Although the sky was sunny with billowing cumulus clouds, we heard thunder rumbling and sudden flashes of lightening. All of a sudden, dark clouds moved in, wind whipped the treetops and sheets of rain pounded down. We watched, heard and smelled this drama from our table: it was over in a few minutes and the world seemed newly born. The air fresh and cool and the colors bright and clear.
Thank you August 11th 2009 and Lady Fortuna for all your blessings!
Another gift: this crocosmia blooming!
Hooray Marlana on your first birthday. By the wayhave I told you how sweet your profile picture is, I just love it.
We have a lot in common, Gina. Your "self-portait" is astounding! Keep up the health and your amazing work.
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