This month, our ATC group has become integrated with a Wood Fair being held in the community center where we usually trade. For the occasion, we were given a theme for our cards: wood , of course! I cut a sheet of wood veneer, used to make "floating floors", into card size and glued them to a matboard backing. I went to work with my wood-burning tool to make a frame, a different one for each featured tree.
Since I had recently read "The Soul's Code" by James Hillman, I was inspired to see the seed produced by a tree as a capsule of it's future possibilities. Luckily, I had some rubber stamps of an oak, pine and spruce tree to use for the "genius" image. Then I got out my felt pens to draw the fruit of each tree. The final touch was a background, using my trusty liquid acrylics.
End of August and getting cooler already. On the way to work at 3 p.m. I have my AC on at 19 degrees and on the way home at midnight, I turn on the heater! It's already dark at 8 p.m. when I look out the window of the cafeteria. That's Nature.