The Artist Trading Card group met again today in Dunvegan, Ontario and we had a great turnout. It was a sunny and extremely cold afternoon as we began our trading punctually at 2:15. I made a dive for Brenda Kennedy's multicolor woven yarn (card#1), Evelyn Fortier's felt pen and tinted paper collage (#2), Chuck Stake's "Nakusp Tartan #0617" (#3), Dot Pisarro's "Dollars and Sense" (#4), Bernard Gauthier's digital art (#5), Susan Jephcott's "Hidden Hearts II (#6), Ronna Mogelon's "Your the Cat's Meow" (#7), Barb Glen's thread-and-textile-on-decorative-paper collage (#8) and finally Perry Bedbrook's "potato head" portrait (#9). Perry is 91 years young!

My cards showed a miniature "birth chart" of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius in Greenwich England at 7:25 a.m.( see my post of February 22nd ). Above the chart is a stylized rising sun, colored in with Sakura Gelly Roll pens. Some visitors may remember the 1968 musical "Hair" that included a song called "Aquarius". The intuitive text was:
When the Moon is in the 7th House
and Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then, peace will guide the planets
and Love will steer the stars.
Harmony and understanding,
sympathy and trust abounding.
No more falsehoods or derisions,
golden living dreams of visions,
magic crystal revelation
and the mind's true liberation.
Aquarius! Aquarius!
This sounds like a tall order placed 40 years ago. What can we do to manifest this vision now?